Background Check

Why Conduct A Background Check?
  • 40 Billion Dollars are lost each year due to employee theft and embezzlement!
  • Between 5%-8% of applicants have criminal records
  • Increase productivity by 33% by simply performing background screens
  • Over 2/3 of the requests made to college registrars for confirmation of educational credentials reveal factual discrepancies.
  • Over 2 million thefts of personal property occur every year in the workplace.
  • Business owners and managers commit over 42% of all employee thefts.
  • Employee theft is the cause of over 1/3 of all business failures, according to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.
  • About 21% of violent crimes occur in the workplace
  • 12% of all deaths which occur at the workplace are due to homicides
  • Over 2 Million workers suffer physical attacks on the job each year.
  • Workplace violence is the leading cause of death in the workplace for women and the second leading cause for men.
  • 70% of convicted criminals are returned to prison after parole. This means that the possibility of a convicted criminal performing another criminal act is very high.
  • Identity theft for employment purposes rose 104% since 1997
  • The office of homeland security recommends background checks for all areas of employment.
Return on Investment
  • Reduced turnover by hiring the right applicant- Studies show it cost between $7,000 and $10,000.00 to hire and train most employees!
  • Reduced Loss from theft
  • Increased productivity- Honest employees have a higher work ethic
  • Reduced risk of employer liability
  • Lower Insurance Rates-Many companies offer discounts for companies who screen applicants!
  • Peace of mind- Information is the key to making a good business decision
Background Screening Products FCRA Compliant
  • Social Security and Address Trace – A database check using the social security number given by the applicant will be conducted. This will provide information on the person to whom the number was issued when it was issued and the current and past addresses where the social security number was used. This product is extremely helpful for determining which areas (state and county) to check for criminal records.
  • Employment Verification – Verification of the applicant’s employment history for the last 5 years. This product is used to verify truthfulness of the information provided on the employment application. Minor and serious discrepancies are investigated and reported to the client.
  • Pre-Employment Credit – A report providing the applicant’s credit history. This product can be used to assist in determining the applicant’s reliability.
  • MVR – Motor Vehicle Record Check (Driving Record) – This check provides the applicant’s driving history with any traffic violations and the status of the license. This product is very important if the applicant is being considered for a position that requires driving for company business and use of a company car.
  • Education – Many people list a college or university that they attended without graduating, falsely claiming to have received a degree or completely falsify their history. This check will enable you to find out if they actually attended college, for how long and what degree, if any, that they received.
  • Criminal Record Check – This indicates a check of felony records within the county of residence and misdemeanor records within the city of residence. A seven-year span is usually covered and results would consist of any convictions.
  • SC SLED Record Check – SC does not report to the National Criminal Records Database and a separate report must be run to obtain these criminal records.

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